
Showing posts from July, 2021

bi monthly assessment june

CASE - 1 . What is the reason for giving thiamine in this patient?  I agree that thiamine should be given to the patient, as he is a chronic alcoholic, there is deficiency of thiamine due to reduced absorption at the level of intestine, as thiamine has many functions regarding the metabolism, lack of it creates imbalance and some neurological disturbances. So, in order to prevent this thiamine should be given to the patient CASE - 2  Why haven't we done pericardiocentesis in this patient?     I agree to the answer given, as there is less pericardial effusion and it is resolving on its own. In this case pericardiocentesis cannot be done, as it requires a large quantity of pericardial effusion. As there no cardiac tampanode in this patient which is an another reason we are not considering pericardiocentesis.  CASE - 3 . What is the probable cause for the normocyti

KHL postings.

5/7)2021 -  6/7/2021 - learnt usg airway anatomy 7/7/2021 - leant usg brachial plexes  8/7/2021 - learn USG lung from CCD 9/7/2021 - presented seminar on syncope. 10/7/2021


34F presented to EMD with c/o occipital headache radiating to neck  6 episodes of vomitingsb becamedrowsy but arousable and  irrelavant talk since yesterday Patient was apparently normal till yesterday then she developed occipital headache Bp 180/100mmhg Pr 86 RR 20 Spo2 96 Grbs 180 GCS E4V5M6 moving all limbs Pupils reactive. No other deficits. Diagnosis :  Acute IVH with B/l ICA stenosis ? moya Moya patient was monitored in view of uncontrolled hypertension and after stabilisation shifted to ward. thrombophilia profile shows intermediate mutations in FGF beta. next day patient developed weakness of U/L upperlimb and lower limb developed ischemic stroke. patient gained power in 5-6 days after physiotherepy then was discharged in view of neurosurgical intervention.