34F presented to EMD with c/o

occipital headache radiating to neck 

6 episodes of vomitingsb

becamedrowsy but arousable and

 irrelavant talk since yesterday

Patient was apparently normal till yesterday then she developed occipital headache

Bp 180/100mmhg

Pr 86

RR 20

Spo2 96

Grbs 180


moving all limbs

Pupils reactive.

No other deficits.

Diagnosis : 

Acute IVH with B/l ICA stenosis ? moya Moya

patient was monitored in view of uncontrolled hypertension and after stabilisation shifted to ward.

thrombophilia profile shows intermediate mutations in FGF beta.

next day patient developed weakness of U/L upperlimb and lower limb

developed ischemic stroke.

patient gained power in 5-6 days after physiotherepy then was discharged in view of neurosurgical intervention.


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