
Showing posts from July, 2022

50M rt lower limb cellulitis with Heart failure and Renal failure

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here we discuss our individual patient' problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. Author : Dr. Sai Charan pgy2                Dr. Pavani pgy 1  link by Dr. pavani A 49 year old male came to OPD with chief complaints of : RT lower limb swelling since 10days and fever since 5 days Patient was apparently normal 10 years back then he had progressive swelling of right lower limb and diagnosed with filariasis and also diagnosed with HTN and DM since then using antihypertensive and OHA drugs. 3year back patient had observed pedal edema and went for further evaluation and diagnosed to have ?chronic renal failure ( 2years back patient had COVID + following which he had SOB at rest t

36M with decreased appetite, nausea and losse stools.

36 year old male farmer by occupation resident of xxxxx was brought to causality with cheif complaints of  1. Decreased appetite since 1 year 2. Nausea and vomitings since 6 months 3. Loose stools since 6 months Since.  4. Tingling and numbness of both UL & LL since 10 days.  Patient was apparently alright 1 year back then initially he had decreased appatite associated with nausea which was gradually progresed to complete loss of appatite with in 5-6 months but able to still manage his daily routine activities. Then patient developed vomitings, 4-5 episodes per day , greenish , immediately after food intake. With food particles as contents. Not a/w blood in vomiting. Since then patient developed fear of eating.  Since 6 months patients had loose stools now increased in frequency since 2 months. 5-6 episodes per day, Watery consistency, large quantity, associated with greenish mucous with No blood in stools.  Last month with similar complaints patient went to one of the corporate ce