
Showing posts from November, 2022

25F post partum with shortness of breath

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient' problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 25F 8thsem case report link Thanks to : Dr. Keerthi (JR1) Sneha (MBBS 8th sem), Suhitha (intern),  3/11/22 25 year old female, mother of 2 babies resident of Nalgonda with history of consangious marraige presented to us with complaints of worsening Breathlessness and both lower limb swelling since a week. Problem representation- 25F with Multisystemic Inflammatory syndrome with background of Eclampsia and preterm delivery  Reviewed patient today Complaints of sob yesterday night. Excess daytime drowsiness Fever decreased No seizures O/E: Pt is c/c/c Bp- 130 /70 mm hg PR- 88 bpm RR-30 can Sp


PROCEDURAL COMPETENCIES: LINK TO PROCEDURAL COMPETENCY MORTALITY MEETS 1.  Mortality - 40F with CAP, kyphoscoliosis 2.  Mortality - 50M PSP & hyponatremia 3.  mortality - 28M CKD, heart failure 4.  mortality KHL - 55F IWMI 5.  Mortality - 55M weils ds ( LEPTO ) 6.  mortality - 50M Acute decompensated Heart failure 7.  Mortality - 45M Weils disease MORBIDITY MEETS 1.  Morbidity - 13F SCA - VASO OCCLUSIVE CRISIS 2.  Morbidity - 45F Post Renal AKI with B/L hydroureteronephrosis 3.  Morbidity - 42M with CLD Portal HTN CLINICAL & INTEGRATED MEETS 1.  clinical - CHRONIC VARIABLE IMMUNO DEFICIENCY 2.  clinical seminar - ACUTE PERICARDITIS 3.  Clinical meet - PCA STROKE HEMORRHAGIC 4.  30M RENAL TRANSPLANT CLEARANCE MEET 5.  clinical meet - 30M POST RENAL TRANSPLANT RECIPIENT 6.  Clinical Meet - DISCUSSION 37M HTN, CKD CHICKEN OR EGG ( HTN OR RENAL FAILURE) 7.  Clinical meet - MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS 8.  AETCOM - fundamentals of communication CLINICO DIAGNOSTIC ME


State conference eTSAPICON 2021 POSTER PRESENTATION link for Poster presentation State conference TSAPICON - WARANGAL sep 2022 Paper presentation : ECG changes in Acute stroke ( part of My thesis - clinico radiological profile, risk factors and outcomes in patients with motor weakness). Link to presentation TSAPICON 2022