45M with Fever, slurring of speech

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box

45M came to casuality now with 
C/O fever since 5 days  
Burning micturation since 3 days
slurring of speech since 1 day.  

Patient was an elite farmer who used to work in feilds daily from 8am to 6pm with few breaks for lunch and short naps 

Pt was apparently alright 2 years back where he was first time hospitalised for the complaints of fever which is high grade associated with chills associated with burning micturation but not associated with vomitings and pain abdomen where diagnosed with Diabetes and advised with Insulin. Later on subsequent follow up he was advised with both Insulin and OHAs. 

Now patient has fever since 4-5 days with burning micturation since 3 days and slurring of speech since 1 day.
Skipped OHA yesterday due to feeling of generalised weakness. 

H/o hospital admission for fever and diagnosed with DM 2 yrs back.

Personal history: 
Sleep disturbed since 2 days
Appetite lost
Bowel and bladder movements normal
Patient is a chronic alcoholic since with a daily intake of 90-180 ml of whisky everyday after his feild work.

General examination:
Thin built and malnourished ( cachexic)

Mosquito bites seen on both UL 
Which are not blanchable

Pallor: present 
Icterus: absent 
Cyanosis : absent 
Clubbing : absent 
Lymphadenopathy : absent 
Edema : absent 

 Temperature: afebrile 
 Pulse: 90bpm
 Blood pressure:110/80 mm of hg
 Respiratory rate : 20 bpm
SpO2 : 98 on RA
GRBS : 570 MG/DL

Systemic examination:

Cardiovascular system  
JVP - not raised
Visible pulsations: absent 
Apical impulse : left 5th intercostal space in midclavicular line.
Thrills -absent 
S1, S2 - heart sounds heard 
Pericardial rub - absent

Respiratory system:
Patient examined in sitting position
oral cavity- Normal ,nose- normal ,pharynx-normal 
Shape of chest - normal
Chest movements : bilaterally symmetrically reduced
Trachea is central in position.
All inspiratory findings are confirmed
Trachea central in position
Apical impulse in left 5th ICS, 
Chest movements bilaterally symmetrical 
B/L lungs clear 

Abdomen examination:
Shape : distended 
Umbilicus: slit like
Movements :normal
Visible pulsations :absent
Skin or surface of the abdomen : normal 
PERCUSSION- shifting dull ness present.
AUSCULTATION :bowel sounds heard

CNS : 
B/L Pupils NSRL
Hmf intact
Cranial nerves normal
Neck stiffness + 
kernigs +, 
B/L lower limb power 3/5,. Upper limb 4/5. 
All 4 Limbs normal.
Sensory system - pain, temp intact.

Based on clinical findings our clinical diagnosis was : 
Pyrexia 2to ?Viral/ ? bacteria
? Encephalitis 2to infection
Uncontrolled sugars

Labs : 

Urosepsis with MODS 
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 2to sepsis
Uncontrolled sugars.

CSF analysis was planned but in view of derranged coagulation profile and severe thrombocytopenia Lumbar puncture was not done. 

Treatment : 

-I.V FLUIDS -NS , RL @100ml/hr
-INJ. OPTINEURON 1amp. In 100ml NS/IV/OD
-INJ.PAN 40mg /IV/OD
-TAB. DOXY 100 mg /PO/BD
100ML FREE WATER PO/4th hrly
-ORS SACHETS in 1ltr water /PO/OD
-GRBS 7 point profile monitoring
-BP/PR / TEMP-4th hrly

Day 1 : 
Fever spikes +
Altered sensorium +

Vitals stable

GRBS: 290 mg/dl
I/O: 4350/2540 ml

Dx: Urosepsis with MODS
Dyselctrolytemia (resolved)
DM-2 with uncontrolled sugars

Plan: conservative Rx

Day 3,4,
Patient sensoriu gradually deteriorated with GCS E2V2M4. With B/L Pupils NSRL. 
MRI brain was done which was normal except cortical atrophy.

Day 5 
In view of progressive rise in urea and altered sensorium patient was initiated on hemodialysis to clear off urea and toxins from blood.
Tab. Doxycycline stopped.

Post dialysis after 6-12h patient sensorium improved. Started walking.

Day 6,7,
Inj. Meropene stopped.
Alternate day dialysis was done with below dialysis prescription : 
UF - Nil
Flow rate - 250-300 ml/min
K+ correction ( as 3K cans are not available we gave 2 amp correction)
Time : 4 hrs.

Patient developed fever again and leucopenia, gradual elevated in ESR.

Day 8 
Patient had fever spikes and RR 24 cpm with decreased breath sounds on Rt ISA.
X ray showed Rt sided effusion.
In view of hospital aquried pneumonia patient was started in inj. Levoflox.

Day 9,10
Patient had low grade fever with improving leucocytes and platelets. Vitals stable.

Day 11. 
Patient has high grade fever ( 102F ) no SOB, vitals stable, RR 24cpm, spo2 94 on RA. 
Usg guided pleural tap was done. 
Reports awaited.


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