29F with SOB, Alopecia

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box

29 years old female presented to casualty with 

chief complaints of sudden worsening of SOB since one day 

History of presenting illness:

patient was apparently normal till six years back in 2017 she had generalised body aches and joint pains which involves multiple large joints of which elbow And knee joints troubled her associated with generalised body aches after multiple hospital visits 
she even noticed hair loss without scarring and oral ulcers then she was diagnosed with autoimmune disorder and initiated on hydroxychloroquine azathioprine wysolone  
she reported that her joint pains and hair loss was not improving with the above medication she had multiple hospital visits and admissions for joint pains and body aches which bothers her from doing her activities .

Two months back she had pedal edema two months back she had pedal edema sudden onset shortness of breath initially on exertion then she was diagnosed with hypertensive emergency admitted and discharged with antihypertensive . patients stopped AZA as advised by doctor except hyper antihypertensive since yesterday she had shortness of breath initially on exertion which rapidly progressed to sob at rest 

No small joint pains no colour change /paraesthesia so fingers on exposure to cold

New onset of seizures :Patient had one episode of involuntary movements initially started left-hand followed by total body with impaired consciousness no tongue bite no involuntary maturation or defecation yesterday

Personal history:
daily routine a day starts at 7 AM after breakfast work starts from 9 AM attending client calls with 1 to 2 breaks in between till 6 PM more of sedentary work 

Diet - mixed
Appatite-loss of appetite
Sleep- adequate
Bowel and bladder - regular
No Addictions

Past history :

Two months back she had pedal edema two months back she had pedal edema sudden onset shortness of breath initially on exertion then she was diagnosed with hypertensive emergency admitted and discharged with antihypertensive since 10 days .
Patient got dialysis done three times one month back 
Insertion site : femoral region


Patient conscious coherent cooperative
 BP presentation to 220/140 MMHg given NTG and Nicardia ___BP-160/100 MMHg


General physical examination :

 Pallor present
 flat nails
 non-scarring alopecia 
 hyperpigmented discoid rashes on face Periauralblack discolouration of oral mucosa and palate 
Mild pedal edema 

 no raised JVP
S1 S2 +
no murmurs

diffuse inspiratory and expiratory crepts

Soft and non-tender
 mild distended
 umbilicus inverted
 no organomegaly

HMF intact 
Pupils NSRL
 no FND(last seizure episode )

Labs :normocytic normochromic anaemia with leukocytosis

Diagnosis : 

ACUTE CARDIOGENIC PULMONARY EDEMA with Immune mediated Glomerulonephritis.
SEIZURES SECONDARY TO ?PRES/?Uremia/? vasculitis.


1.Inj. LEVIPIL 500mg IV TID
2.INJ.NTG 50 mg in 50 ml NS @5ml/hr to maintain SBP-<160mmhg
6. Tab.HCQ 200mg PO BD
7.fluid and salt restriction
8. Monitor vitals and inform sos
9.INJ.HAI S/C acc to GRBS inform ICU /PG@ 7 point profile GRBS
10. Strict I/O Charting
11.TAB.MET XL 25mg PO BD
12. TAB.TELMA 40 mg PO/OD
13.TAB .WYSOLONE 20mg /PO/OD (tappering)

2nd admission on 6-2-2023

29 year old female who is a customer service executive by occupation, came to the hospital with chief complaints of vomitings since 3 days and loose stools since 3 days.


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days ago, then she developed loose stools since 3 days (3-4 episodes/day) , watery in consistency and not associated with fever and pain abdomen. Complaints of vomitings since 3 days (2-3 episodes/ day) which were yellowish and contained food particles, non projectile, not blood stained. 

Past history:

3 months ago she got admitted in our hospital with complaints of sudden worsening of SOB and was diagnosed with acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema with immune mediated glomerulonephritis and seizures secondary to ?PRES /? Uremia /? Vasculitis. 

Known case of SLE with lupus nephritis since 2 months and is on 

 Rabeprazole + domperidone 

Tab orofer xt po/od 8am 

Tab shelcal 500mg po/od 

Tab sodium bicarbonate 500mg po/bd 

Tab nicardia 20mg po/tid 


She’s not a known case of diabetes, hypertension, CAD, asthma, tuberculosis.

Personal history:

Appetite :lost 

Diet: vegetarian 

Bowels : loose stools since 3 days 

Micturition: normal 

No addictions 

General examination:

Pallor: present 

No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, oedema of foot.


Temperature: 98.2 F 

Pulse rate: 131bpm

Respiratory rate: 24/min 

BP: 180/110mmhg

Spo2: 98%

GRBS: 98mg/dl

Systemic examination 


S1 ,S2 present 

No murmurs 

Respiratory system:

Bilateral air entry present 

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard 

No dyspnoea and no wheeze 

Per abdomen: 

Shape of abdomen: scaphoid 

Tenderness present around umbilicus 

Liver and spleen are not palpable 


Patient is conscious 

Speech: normal 

Cranial nerves: normal

Motor and sensory system: normal 

Glassgow coma scale: E4 V5 M6


Acute Kidney Injury with Lupus Nephritis secondary to acute gastroenteritis (resolved) with hyperkalemia (resolved) with ?anemia of chronic inflammation with ? Lupus induced heart failure with pulmonary edema(resolved)

K/c/o HTN since 3 months 

2 PRBC Transfusions done

4 Sessions of hemo dialysis done

Inj.Pan 40 mg  IV/OD BBF

Inj. Zofer 4mg IV/SOS

Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV/TID

T. Wysolone 40 mg PO/OD

T. Nicardia 30 mg/20mg/30mg

T.HCQ 200mg PO/OD

T.Azathioprine 50 mg PO/OD


Syp.Sucralfate 10 ml TID Before food.


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